Michigan Mountain Biking fella who has a fancy to drink red wine.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Circus Circus - Touches the Nasty Clown

Clowns scare the Poo outta me... Not spiders, not snakes, not bats, or anything as much as clowns. I really don't know why - but they freak my sh*t out..
The creepiest casino ever has gotta be:

Circus Circus opened on October 18, 1968 and the MGM Mirage claims that the hotel may be demolished and rebuilt. According to the MGM Mirage, the circus circus site "does not make economic use of the 44 acres that it sits on, therefore, we feel that demolishing the current property and rebuilding it in a different fashion (while still keeping the Circus Circus name) will be in our best interest."

The only value I see in keeping this casino is the history of the pseudo involvement in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Fear and Loathing is a book by Hunter S. Thompson that was wrote in 1971 and incorporates excessive drug use, and a crazy nonflowing plot. The story follows a writer and his lawyer descending into vegas to cover the mint 400 motorcycle race. To say that drug usage is very prominent, is an understatement. The movie had Johnny Depp as the main actor and a cameo by Tobey Macguire...

Other than that... The place needs to go.... What the hell is with the Lollipop? Touches the Nasty Clown points you to your DOOM!


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